Monday, 9 July 2012

Facebook and today’s youth:

Today social networking gaint as being like a addiction and mainly the youth of age 16-37 are the main victims of this. Perhaps there are many who are present in the social networking sites because everyone has a social account. And for a teenager the need to fit in is just too great and some special features of social networking sites have helped them in attracting so many million people. Among all the different types of social networking sites facebook is the most used and the famous among all the age group people all around the world.
Facebook is taking over the world and that’s no exaggeration. Today people from ever age group i.e. teens to educated business man to intrigued grandparents has joined this social networking site. But FB is mostly in use by the youths.Unsurprisingly many of the teenagers have caught FB fever and unlike with many of the latest attention grabbing trends these teenagers go little overboard when participating in them. Whereas in FB there’s so much to do that just than updating status. One can check out one’s friends, can review new photos of his/her friends, enjoy countless apps, and can play countless games. One can join a cause or support any group which he/she likes. Even Facebook apps are easily available on cell phones also which is also an important reason for grabbing youth’s attention forever and thus one can’t easily leave FB.
Text messaging is no longer the biggest teenage obsession and  long gone those days when parents used to get worried because of their children’s crush for celebrities, massive phone bills for ridiculously long phone calls and the overloads of chocolates. But still teenage obsession exists in from of FB craze in front of which other obsessions seems less significant.
FB is very beneficial in many ways, is having a detrimental effect on the everyday behavior of people around the world.FB addiction is given a new term called FAD i.e. Facebook Addiction Disorder. It is a condition which is defined by hours spent on FB by an individual who online life becomes more important than his real life. Because of his addiction he starts to spend so much time in FB that his healthy balance is affected. And it is said that more 350 million people all around the world are suffering from FAD.
Some of the symptoms of FAD are:
  • ·         Tolerance to set for hours together before the desktop.
  • ·         Withdrawal symptoms that is one likes to be with the FB friend more than his real life ones.
  • ·         Reduction of social recreational activities- creates a short of distances from his real life
  • ·         Virtual dates being online

FB obsessions are definitely present in today’s youth and whether it is a disorder or not, something needs to be done to check this. But now the question arises that what to be done? What should to done about this and how to fix the problem that is affecting more than a third of the world’s population?
According to the different sources available 7 out of 10 i.e. 73% to be exact teens use FB.Only one who can save our youths from this disorder is they themselves. One using all this social networking sites should forget the fancy name and look at the facts. One should relies that he should try to make good use all the available technologies, one should realize that by spending hours being online he himself is wasting the valuable times of his life.

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