Wednesday, 11 July 2012


what is water
people don't matter
I'm not joking 
our lives are soaking
water is changing the season 
and only we are the reason
so save water 
it will save you later

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

A bamboo bridge connecting Laatu with Karimganj

This is the Laatu bamboo bridge which has replaced an old RCC structured based bridge connecting Laatu withKarimganj. Previously there was a huge RCC bridge but heavy flood had eroded it. It is connecting around 5000 people living there with rest of the places in the Karimganj district. Surprisingly the condition of the bridge is same as it was a year before leaving the localities’ with unending problems. Because of this condition of the bridge the people of this area can not call for 108 in an emergency situation. Even the students have to walk a long way for betters studies. It is too sad to say that many girls of these areas have given up their studies. The localities’ has alleged that when the election approaches nearer ministers came there and even promises to reconstruct the bridge but till date no such promises are been kept.

Whatever may be the reason for this delaying in the reconstruction of this bridge, but the people of this area are greatly hindered by this. Government should see into this and should save the lives of peoples of Laatu and the other neighboring areas of it

TRAFFIC JUMP - a new problem for Silchar

                   Silchar is a city strategically located at the centre of five states and two international boundaries. It is the source of communication and a commercial hub. Rightly it is said that it is the second highway of the North-east after Guwahati and is connecting the region with the main land. It is thickly populated town with approx 10 lakh population. Over the past few years, the city is constantly witnessing a huge influx of people from nearby smaller places due to city's increasing future prospects and other developments in the field of education, medical facilities, and the more recently booming real estate market and other commercial businesses, making the city quite an overcrowded one. It has now the second highest population in the state, although the difference with the highest populated city i.e., Guwahati, the capital of Assam, is quite huge. And with this increased number of population Silchar is under the pressure of overcrowded traffic. Whereas Silchar is gifted with narrow broken roads with stagnant water by the Silchar Municipality.
 Today the no. of vehicles plying in the roads of Silchar has manifold. But the condition of the roads is detorating day by day which finally results heavy jump in the roads. Especially the roads are not geared up to take the load of such increased traffics. Just count the no. of vehicles ply in the way of Rangirkhari during peak hours of a day, it is approx 75wheelers, 200 two wheelers, 100 three-wheelers per mintute.For poorly maintained narrow roads of Silchar such massive traffic is beyond the control of small detachment of traffic police deployed for the purpose.Richshaw and thela puller being slow moving are the major cause of jamming the roads. It is soon needed to be replaced by town buses which will control the increasing no. of autorichshaws and rickshaws. In Silchar town there is no severe traffic rules. Motorcyclist drives without helmets and overtakes from wrong sides. On average, every third day there is a fatal motor cycle accident. Auto drivers take pride to overtake from wrong sides. Footpath is laddered with petty shops. Silchar court is over burdened with motor vehicles accident cases, which is much higher than any other town of Assam. Unless an early and drastic step is taken by the Govt, Silchar will be a difficult place for us to live in.

Monday, 9 July 2012

CHILIES – SPICY OR COSTLY…….what you all say!!!

Do you like to have spicy food that to with lots of Chillies into it? If it is so you have to compromise with the taste you like. as the chillies are now more costly rather than spicy.Affected by incessant rainfall and the monsoon floods, the prices of fresh vegetables have gone up like anything in past few weeks at the sources. On the other taking the advantage of situation retailers are charging very high from the consumers in all the markets of Assam.

Vegetables are among the basic commodities for a man to live. That’s why a consumer is left with no option but to pay the price fixed by the traders even the consumers are not left with the option to bargain.

The prices of green chillies have gone up like never before. In market vendors are changing Rs 160 per 1kg whereas in wholesale it is Rs 90 per kg. Against it bulk prices of Rs 12 per kg.Really it is unjust able to charge double rates though it is natural that retailers would charge higher than the wholesalers. Really this year monsoon is not only affecting the upper Assam but lower too mainly the poor and the middle class people.

Is really there is no end for dis?????????

It is more than a year but still the situation is the same which was a year before or more than that.Realy should we say that there is no end of this problem, people have suffer from this problem some more years or for lifetime. It was a year before when there was great shortfall in the production of the LPG gas because of the blast in the plant site.

The major cause for the shortfall is the halt in production in Numailigarh refinery, but according to the Indian oil officials the shortage in the international market is the main reason for this.
Adding to this the situation is becoming more worse for the common people because of the middleman who are taking the advantage of the situation by charging more than even thousand or Rs 500- 600 extra for a single cylinder.

Even the indifferences between Central Govt. and the IOCL, the crises of LPG were worsening in the country particularly in Northeast which includes Barak Valley areas also.
Silchar has 4 LPG agents serving nearly 50,000 consumers but it is also reeling under an acute shortage from last year. And there is no hope of immediate respite from the ongoing situation. Locals believes that LPG agencies are hand in glove with the black marketers’ and are fully enjoying this situation as it has doubled their incomes too.prevoiusly one had to wait for 21 days for getting a cylinder after booking but the situation is such that one had to wait for at least 45 days that also there is no home delivery. To get a cylinder he had go to the agency and had wait for his turn that to ha had stand in line along with other consumers and their numbers even crosses 150.

Mr. Amol Kanti choudhury an retired serviceman and one of the consumers standing for his turn outside a gas agency said that a truck can carry at least 300 cylinders however the agencies distributes 100 only and the rest vanishes. One of the other consumers standing over there said that it takes more than a month to get a cylinder through the domestic distribution system but black marketers can  supply you anytime but they sell them for Rs1200 which two times more than the actual cost.
Miss Mehga Bhattacharya an university student mainly from Tripura living in rent for her studies in silchar shared that she was so helpless that she  purchased a half cylinder from a black marketer last month but paid him full price of it.

“Generic are also effective”

Generic medicines sound new…..yes this term was new to me like many others when I heard the term for the first time in the 4th episode of Amir khan’s show‘satyamev jayetay’. The particular episode was on the discrepancies and corruption involved in selling of medicines in our country. And the was very successful in making the term popular.Though generic drugs are not a newly introduced medicines; in fact India is global leader of these medicines.
 The generic name is the official medical name for the active ingredients of the medicines. These drugs are having the same chemical composition as branded drugs are and sold under their chemical name. As Paracetamol a painkiller is the generic name for branded drugs for branded drugs Crocin and Calpol.
But generic medicines are not as popular as the branded ones are. There are many reasons behind the unpopularity of these drugs. The first is that this drugs are much cheaper than the branded ones for which the pharmaceuticals doesn’t practice their sell. Besides the different pharmaceuticals, dealers and semi-dealers Doctors to be playing a role in restricting the circulation of this cheaper drugs. Chemists have to hand out exactly what’s written on the prescription. And many Doctors even who are practicing in Government hospitals don’t hand out generic medicines. There is a distinct lack of awareness also among the among people about the effectiveness of the generic medicines. Also since these medicines comparatively cheaper than the branded drugs, people who can afford branded drugs don’t prefer to buy them believing that they are less effective.
To promote cheap drugs in market in 2008, Government had set up a scheme to set up generic drugs store around the country. Though according to the plan more than 3000stores were to be opened but they were successful in setting up only 300.The department of pharmaceuticals of the Government is responsible for promoting this cheaper generic medicines but they not fully successful in their job.Satyamev jayetey had played an important an important role in Maharashtra government giving medicines the green signal to allot more generic medicines stores in the state. Generic medicines are the answer to better health care for all. And the way to promote these drugs is to curb illicit medical practices. Through the MCI guidelines dictate that Doctors should prescribe generic medicines. The Jan Ausadhi scheme should to strengthen.

Trigerless rise in price

The exorbitant prices of the essential commodities have become a common feature of today’s democracy. Rise in the prices have became a common phenomenon particularly acute in developing countries like India. This phenomenon is ruining the lives of the people from the low in income and middle income group. Consumers have faced a sharp rise in prices of staple foods items such as pluses, sugar and edible oil also.

Besides the rise in prices of almost all essential commodities, the hike in the prices of LPG, kerosene and petrol has added to their woes. The worst affected lot is the middle class people having fixed income, who have to maintain a reasonable standard of living and at the same manage to pay increasing prices for the essential commodities.

The rise in price is partly due to the varying demand and supply situation vis-à-vis rapidly increasing population in India. Any major reason for rising prices is due to the dealing govt. departments to check malpractices of unscrupulous traders who create artificial shortage and who charge exorbitant prices to needy persons. It is shames that even life saving drugs are not spared.

In a survey, the associated chambers of India said Commerce and Industry of India said between 2005-06 to 2010-11, the prices of essential commodities had gone up by nearly 72% and on the country the per-capita income of an average Indian in metros has gone up by 38%. On the other, real per capita income of an average Indian was measured about Rs 26,025 per annum in 2005-06 however, it went up by 9,892 in 2010-11 amounting to Rs 35,917 per annum.

 It is high time that the govt should have a regular effective system of maintaining control on rising prices of at least essential commodities and life saving drugs to offer some relief to a common man from this increasing burden of rising of prices.Even the frosted common people are now coming up to the roads demanding that the civil authorities should carry inspections of the traders alleging the prices of the essential commodities vary from one shop to another in a salcete.

People have alleged that none3 of the shopkeepers display price list and no proper scales are been used in many. During the last 5 months, Civil Supply Authorities and Weighs and Measure departments have not carried out any necessary raids to check the price list nor to see the quality of commodities supplied to the people in the salcete. Consumers have also alleged that the prices of essential commodities goes on changing every month and common man are not fix over frequent changes of prices.

DDB:Direct digital broadcasting

On 4th July of this year the DDB foundations had launched DDB platform and advanced TV operating platform.A single platform for TV,Internet and Cloud. This completely and newly launched platform is a digital technology which promises to completely optimize our T.V viewing experience like never before. Technologies has been evolving continuously to give us devices of active engagement and joy and this is DDB platform of them.DDB platform allows a television set to perform multiple functions on a single platform.
DDB foundation which is a Worldwide marketing communication  network in collaboration with 7 of the biggest names in new age technology under the leadership of STM Microelectronics that includes Videocon d2h ,Iedeto Nivio, Faroudja,Strata, Philips launched DDB platform. This new technology helps you to receive digital signals without any set top box, giving an audio visual experience that has never seen or heard before.

exciting features of DDB Platform

DDB platform is featured with clouds computing abilities which help to easily work and also in saving all the files on it. With DDB platform one can have a superior experience of browsing his/her favorites sites even Facebook.It is well equipped with such wonderful technologies that it can turn 2D channels into live like 3D quality, making this digital technology into magical. All these new continuously evolving technologies entertainment has moved from being pleased to vivid.

Facebook and today’s youth:

Today social networking gaint as being like a addiction and mainly the youth of age 16-37 are the main victims of this. Perhaps there are many who are present in the social networking sites because everyone has a social account. And for a teenager the need to fit in is just too great and some special features of social networking sites have helped them in attracting so many million people. Among all the different types of social networking sites facebook is the most used and the famous among all the age group people all around the world.
Facebook is taking over the world and that’s no exaggeration. Today people from ever age group i.e. teens to educated business man to intrigued grandparents has joined this social networking site. But FB is mostly in use by the youths.Unsurprisingly many of the teenagers have caught FB fever and unlike with many of the latest attention grabbing trends these teenagers go little overboard when participating in them. Whereas in FB there’s so much to do that just than updating status. One can check out one’s friends, can review new photos of his/her friends, enjoy countless apps, and can play countless games. One can join a cause or support any group which he/she likes. Even Facebook apps are easily available on cell phones also which is also an important reason for grabbing youth’s attention forever and thus one can’t easily leave FB.
Text messaging is no longer the biggest teenage obsession and  long gone those days when parents used to get worried because of their children’s crush for celebrities, massive phone bills for ridiculously long phone calls and the overloads of chocolates. But still teenage obsession exists in from of FB craze in front of which other obsessions seems less significant.
FB is very beneficial in many ways, is having a detrimental effect on the everyday behavior of people around the world.FB addiction is given a new term called FAD i.e. Facebook Addiction Disorder. It is a condition which is defined by hours spent on FB by an individual who online life becomes more important than his real life. Because of his addiction he starts to spend so much time in FB that his healthy balance is affected. And it is said that more 350 million people all around the world are suffering from FAD.
Some of the symptoms of FAD are:
  • ·         Tolerance to set for hours together before the desktop.
  • ·         Withdrawal symptoms that is one likes to be with the FB friend more than his real life ones.
  • ·         Reduction of social recreational activities- creates a short of distances from his real life
  • ·         Virtual dates being online

FB obsessions are definitely present in today’s youth and whether it is a disorder or not, something needs to be done to check this. But now the question arises that what to be done? What should to done about this and how to fix the problem that is affecting more than a third of the world’s population?
According to the different sources available 7 out of 10 i.e. 73% to be exact teens use FB.Only one who can save our youths from this disorder is they themselves. One using all this social networking sites should forget the fancy name and look at the facts. One should relies that he should try to make good use all the available technologies, one should realize that by spending hours being online he himself is wasting the valuable times of his life.

Maa baap apni khushi say joo dein apni beti ko”

Marriage is a very sweet dream for every girl and she also does dream it in a very special way. But it’s also true that is not always possible that all dreams come true. It’s very sad to say every girl is not so lucky to live a happily married; life for them is completely different from the real life. Barely immediately a month after marriage, a newly married bride is allegedly tortured and then set ablaze by her in-laws for dowry. Soon after the marriage a long list of demands is kept before her and is pressurized by her in-laws to get them fulfilled. When bride’s family fails to meet the demands, the housewife is subjected to severe physical torture, allegedly by her husband and her-in-law...
There are many datas related to the ratio of dowry deaths but then also it is difficult to draw a accurate picture of dowry related deaths, as statistics are varied and contradictory. In 1995, the National Crime Bureau of the Government of India reported about 6,000 dowry deaths every year. A more recent police report stated that dowry deaths had risen by 170 percent in the decade to 1997. All of these official figures are considered to be gross understatements of the real situation. Unofficial estimates cited in a 1999 article by Himendra Thakur “Are our sisters and daughters for sale?” put the number of deaths at 25,000 women a year, with many more left maimed and scarred as a result of attempts on their lives.
The anti-dowry laws in India were enacted in 1961 but both parties to the dowry—the families of the husband and wife—are criminalised. The laws themselves have done nothing to halt dowry transactions and the violence that is often associated with them. Police and the courts are notorious for turning a blind eye to cases of violence against women and dowry associated deaths. It was not until 1983 that domestic violence became punishable by law.
But before all this there a question arises that from where is tradition of was included into the beautiful bonding of two hearts through marriage. Actually dowry is a gift through which a father tries to help a newlywed couple but with time is gift turned as a punishment for a father. And this type of harassment has driven many women’s to despair, anger and even suicide. Many of the victims are burnt to death—they are doused in kerosene and set light to. Dowry and dowry-related violence is not confined to rural areas or to the poor, or even just to adherents of the Hindu religion.
Demands for dowry can go on for years. Religious ceremonies and the birth of children often become the occasions for further requests for money or goods. The inability of the bride’s family to comply with these demands often leads to the daughter-in-law being treated as a pariah and subject to abuse. In the worst cases, wives are simply killed to make way for a new financial transaction—that is, another marriage.
Because of the dowry, there is a equation that daughters are inevitably regarded as an unwelcome burden, compounding the already oppressed position of women in Indian society. There is a high incidence of gender-based abortions—almost two million female babies a year.
Coming to our Assam there has been more than a two-fold increase in rape and dowry cases during last six years. Dowry cases have increased almost three fold from 1307 cases in 2001 to 3063 cases in 2007. This year, already 505 cases have been reported in the first 5 months.